26 agosto: Giovi apre la stagione regolare con il primo goal dei Bears andando a segno al 5' del primo tempo. Palla in mezzo rasoterra dove Giovi sfruttava al massimo l'inserimento e calciava un piattone ad incrociare sulla destra del portiere.
Giovi dunque partecipava alla goleada delle tre reti marcate dal brasiliano Mendoza che fissava il punteggio del primo tempo sul 4a0. Al 35' Giovi usciva per rientrare all'inizio del secondo tempo dove la squadra della TMU (Truett McConnell University) controllava la situazione andando in goal con Mendoza.
Un pressin efficace ed un buon controllo nel giro palla ha segnato il dominio dei Bears (gli Orsi) che sono stati avvantaggiati dal fatto di andare subito al goal per poi procedere con letali inserimenti in ripartenza.
Giovi ovviamente strafelice per se e per la squadra: chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera.
In allegato il video della rete siglata da Giovi, peccato per la bassa risoluzione a causa del collegamento streaming con gli USA.
Ecco il comunicato stampa della TMU:
Bears Take Down Knights 5-0 in Season Opener
The Truett McConnell University Men's Soccer team started the season in great form, handedly defeating the Middle Georgia State University Knights 5-0. It did not take long for the Bears to open the scoring onslaught with Giovanni Giraudo's goal within the first five minutes of the match. Giraudo's goal would set the tone for the rest of the first half, with the Bears putting the ball in the back of the net four times in the half. The other Bears who would join in on the scoring are Jonathan Mendoza and Joao Costa, scoring twice. Consistent pressure and quick pace allowed the Bears to dominate possession in the first half.
MGSC began the second half with a valiant effort to come back, but were not able to get the ball past Freshman GK Christian Martinez. Martinez would have help with superb play from his back line. What seemed to seal the game was another goal from the foot of Joao Costa, completing his season opening hat trick.
Coach Rob Miller was very pleased with the performance of his team. "It's always great to get a great win over a quality team to begin the season," said Miller. He was very proud of both his returners and the newcomers to the squad. The fans who were able to attend the game were treated to a great display of soccer and it looks like there will be more to come from the 2017 Men's Soccer program at TMU.